Safeguarding Support

Safeguarding Support

Alongside his wife and family, Dave has had years of experience in adoption and fostering children at risk through the Local Authority. Dave has also always led as the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) in the last four organisations he has worked at – from one with just 50+ staff (in a Training/OFSTED regulated context) to one with 1000 staff (in a Housing Association/regulated context).

Dave’s Safeguarding experience ranges from the development of Policy and procedure through to a comprehensive ‘strategic toolkit’ to manage organisational Safeguarding issues.

Mind-Gap can help your organisation with Safeguarding issues through 3 principal approaches:

  • Safeguarding Audits: Using our own Mind-Gap bespoke toolkit (based on the Section 11 Local Authority Safeguarding audit), Mind-Gap can spend time in (detail) and on (strategic) your business using a systematic approach to health check your organisation’s safeguarding policies, procedures and practices. This will include both a desktop review (of paperwork and case management) and interviewing staff and your DSL (on the management of cases). The audit results and recommendations and actions will be delivered back to the business
  • Support for DSLs: Using Mind-Gap’s coaching approach, we provide support and guidance or even professional supervision to your DSL – providing an ‘outside in’ perspective to ensure an independent view. This support can be ad hoc or on a regular basis. One of our skills is to work with you on internal mini-serious case reviews after you have had issue/s arising in your organisation.
  • Training: We deliver basic and intermediate Safeguarding training to your teams. This training can be both generic or specific – covering areas such as online safety etc

Contact us today to discuss your specific Safeguarding requirements.

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