It is likely you have arrived on this page after your PPA debrief with one the Mind-Gap team. We hope you benefitted from your report and the debrief session.
There are four further resources we now would now like to offer you to help you begin to work through how you could use your PPA findings to help yourself, your relationships with others and your business as a whole:
1. Dig deeper into your PPA report: When we de-briefed with you, we only would have gone through 2-3 pages of your report: self-image, work mask and under pressure. If you look back at the full report we sent you, it has a huge amount of other information about your personality: personal style, general characteristics, how to maximise potential, strengths and limitations etc. Can we suggest you review this and dig deeper? Maybe develop a SWOT analysis of you? This might include:
o What do you know you are good at? What feedback have you had from others over the years? What of those strengths are technical (job related) and what are personality/people related?
o What does your PPA say about what you are good at/strong in what areas? Look at the PPA grid again and your high spots – where is it saying you are strong?
If you look again at the report you have actually sets out your strengths in a section too
o As above but focussing on ‘opportunities for development’ now aka weaknesses! Be your toughest critic!
o Review the PPA report. What does that say? What is the risk of high spots? Are they too high? i.e a super high C might be really pedantic/picky. How about low spots? i.e a super low I might be really detached from the team If you. look again at the report you have actually sets out your limitations in a section too
o From the above, what does that analysis tell you about areas that you could/need to develop?
o Set out a simple 4/5 areas to work on.
o In simple terms, from the above, what might be the biggest 2/3 things with you – work or personality style that, if you don’t change might kill you or the business? – an exaggeration of course!!! What’s the worst that could happen if there is no change?
2. Next steps video: Please take a look at the video below which will help guide you through the use of your PPA in self-development and creating wider benefits in teams etc. Have your report handy as you review the video.
3. Resources: Below the video, you will see a series of links to some great Thomas International articles and resources.
4. Wider resources: Mind-Gap’s resources page is packed full of articles, videos and podcasts that will help you in a range of areas relating to self and relationship development.
There are some great Thomas International articles here:
If there are any questions you have, please be in touch
The Mind-Gap team are all registered practitioners with Thomas International and are trained to deliver Thomas Psychometric tests.
We tailor and design content to maximise participation and impact for your organisation’s needs.
We are a purpose-driven, leadership development business.